
Feet and ankles video 1

Feet and ankles video 2

Feet and ankles video 3

Leg lines video 1

Leg lines video 2

Single Leg Moves video 1

Single Leg Moves video 2

Single Leg Moves video 3

Single Leg Moves video 4

Single Leg Moves video 5

Single Leg Moves video 6

Double legs video 1 - knees to chest, knee press, plough

Double legs video 2 - cross legged stretch and Spanish inquisition

Double legs video 3 - Happy baby and frog poses

Double legs video 4 - Bridge and hanging fwd fold

Stomach/chest/arms video 1- Pressing stomach

Stomach/chest/arms video 2- Finger pressure stomach

Stomach/chest/arms video 3 Stomach waves, points and scooping

Stomach/chest/arms video 4 - chest pressing

Stomach/chest/arms video 5 - Pressing arms

Stomach/chest/arms video 6 - Hands, arm pull and arm shake

Side Lying 1 - Palm 3rd inner + knee

Side Lying 2 - Palm 3rd outer

Side Lying 3 - Thumb press 3rd outer

Side Lying 4 - Back lines and shoulder rotation

Side Lying 5 - Scapular opener

Side Lying 6 - Outer arm lines

Side Lying 7 - dancer

Side Lying 8 - twists

Back 1 - foot walk

Back 2 - palm press back of lefs

Back 3 - front leg stretch

Back 4 - locust

Back 5 - Mekong pose

Back 6 - Back lines

Back 7 - shoulders and sacrum

Back 8 - Cobra